Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

In her book "The Magic," one of the practices that Rhonda Byrne has the reader perform is to, before bed, think of the very best thing that happened throughout your day, and to be consciously grateful for it.  The reader even says "thank you" out loud for it.

It is a bit of a play on the "gratitude rock" practice revealed in "The Secret," which I have always found to be a great way to remind oneself to be grateful for the things we have.  I keep a small object in my pocket (I've never used a rock, but usually a paper clip.  Same concept though), and each time during the day that I touch that object, I say "thank you" for one specific thing. 

Since starting this, I have found that my mind more quickly and easily defaults to being grateful and being positive, rather than focusing on things which might be obstacles, or things which I currently haven't received yet.

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